El Mina – The presbytery of Our Lady of Deliverance

El Mina, Lebanon

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أنطوش سيّدة النجاة

Mina N:1



أنطوش سيّدة النجاة - المينا بُنيت الكنيسة الأولى للموارنة في مدينة الميناء أوائل القرن التاسع عشر، وكانت قبوًا مُعتمًا تحت الأرض. كانت الرعيّة آنذاك فقيرة جدًّا وعُهدت خدمتها للرهبان الأنطونيّين، فكان طعام خادم الرعيّة يصله من دير مار سركيس وباخوس إهدن. سنة ١٨٥٠ بُني الأنطوش، وسنة ١٨٨٩ كرّس المطران أسطفان عوّاد الكنيسة الحاليّة، فكان بناؤها بشكل عقدٍ مُصالب بحجرٍ رمليّ. رُمّمت أواخر القرن العشرين. The presbytery of Our Lady of Deliverance - El Mina The first maronite church was built in the Mina in the beginning of the XIXth century. It was then a small underground cellar. The parish was really poor, it was entrusted to an Antonine monk who’s food was brought from the monastery of Sts Sergius and Bacchus Ehden. In 1850 the presbytery was built, and in 1889 the current church was consecrated by Mgr. Estefan Awad Archbishop of Tripoli. The structure is a sandstone crossed vault, restored in the latter half of the XXth century.

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أنطوش سيّدة المعونات




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كنيسة سيّدة الفرس - إجدبرا

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The Carmelite Convent of St Joseph - Bcharreh

The Carmelite mission Bcharreh goes back to the late XVIIth century. The fathers resided in St Elishah and moved in 1704 to St Sergius. On the 9th of March 1905 the Carmelite provincial Cyril Da Santa Maria visited the town and was demanded by the locals to enlarge the mission and build schools. After that the locals began building with financial help from France, Belgium, and Germany in 1908. Construction was completed in 1910 with Padre Joseppe Darbino who completed the building with the church with the help of Cardinal Gotti. The church consists of a single roofed nave with a semi circular apse. The church is decorated with frescoes by Gerges Dib from Jerusalem.